Does Hair Transplant Surgery Leave Behind A Scar?
Today, hair transplant in Little Rock, AR is less invasive, more precise, and natural-looking for men and women. Patients are often stunned by how seamless the process of FUT or FUE hair transplant surgery is at Nirvana Med Spa and how amazing their results look. But do either of these methods for hair restoration leave behind a scar?
Board-certified family physician Dr. Salman Hashmi and the dedicated team at Nirvana Med Spa in Little Rock, AR understand how embarrassing hair loss or thinning hair can be for both men and women. At their state-of-the-art aesthetic center, Dr. Hashmi is an expert at FUE or FUT hair transplant surgery. If you are concerned about scarring, here is a closer look at both hair restoration techniques offered at Nirvana Med Spa and what you need to know.
What is the difference between FUE and FUT hair transplant surgery?
It may surprise you, but hair transplant surgery is nothing new. Since the 1950s, hair restoration procedures have helped individuals, particularly men, overcome the issue of hair loss, pattern baldness, or thinning hair. However, technology and treatments have come a long way in recent years. At Nirvana Med Spa, we offer the latest hair restoration options by providing follicular unit transplantation (FUT) and follicular unit extraction (FUE) to our Little Rock, AR patients.
Follicular unit transplantation (FUT) is when an incision is made to the back of the scalp so that grafts of hair can be removed from a donor section. The extracted strips of hair are then divided into tiny grafts and placed onto the target site. Follicular unit extraction (FUE) is the latest in grafting technology and is more minimally invasive. Micro-sized hole punches are made in the donor site to remove individual hair follicles. Once each follicle is prepared, the target area is numbed, and they are transplanted one by one into tiny slits or holes.
Should I be concerned about a hair transplant scar?
A hair transplant procedure involves removing healthy hair follicles or shafts from a donor site and moving them to a recipient location where the balding or thinning issue is occurring. Most patients who inquire about a hair restoration treatment often fear their procedure will leave behind a large, noticeable scar. The FUE method removes individual hair follicles from the scalp with a specially designed extraction tool. There are no incisions or stitches, resulting in almost no scarring.
In contrast, FUT hair transplant surgery requires a whole section of tissue to be removed from the back of the head. It requires fewer sessions than its counterpart, but a small scar about 1 – 2 millimeters wide will be left behind. However, Dr. Hashmi will ensure the hair near the donor site will cover the area, so the scar will be hidden once healed and new hair growth has taken over.
Looking for hair transplant help in Little Rock, AR?
While the follicular unit extraction (FUE) technique is a straightforward surgery with little to no risk of a hair transplant scar, it does matter who performs the procedure. A qualified, experienced hair transplant expert, like Dr. Hashmi, can give patients the results they need. It takes a keen eye to strategically and creatively place each harvested hair follicle or strip to create a natural-looking appearance. Dr. Hashmi will emulate a person's natural growth pattern in the thinning or balding areas to give a fuller and more natural appearance to a patient's hairline, giving them the best hair restoration results.
Both FUE and FUT hair restoration surgery techniques are innovative ways to alleviate hair loss or pattern baldness so patients can feel younger and more confident again. Dr. Salman Hashmi and his dedicated staff at Nirvana Med Spa offer both of these excellent, natural-looking techniques to men and women in the Little Rock, AR area. Contact our office to schedule your hair transplant consultation today.