Dysport® in Little Rock, AR

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What is Dysport?

When it comes to rejuvenating the skin, our doctors offer men and women several nonsurgical procedures. Dysport is an injectable wrinkle treatment that acts like BOTOX, which softens and reduces dynamic lines and wrinkles on the face. Dynamic wrinkles happen because of repetitive facial expressions, such as laughing, smiling, and frowning. Over time, these repetitive expressions make the facial muscles taut. Even when your face is relaxed, this can cause the overlying skin to still appear wrinkled. Dysport is specially designed to treat the most common dynamic wrinkles or frown lines. While providing natural-looking results, Dysport temporarily softens the muscle so the dynamic wrinkle appears smoother. To help refresh your complexion, learn more about Dysport wrinkle relaxer treatments at Nirvana Med Spa in Little Rock, AR.

What are the Benefits of Dysport?

Plastic surgery is invasive and requires incisions and long recovery times to manage common signs of aging. Wrinkle relaxers like Dysport are an excellent alternative for anyone who wants great results without going under the knife. Patients choose to work with Nirvana Med Spa because we provide safe anti-aging solutions in a comfortable and relaxing office environment. Our advanced Dysport treatment offers the following benefits:

  • Reduces dynamic wrinkles and lines
  • Treats a variety of facial areas
  • Produces natural-looking results
  • Requires no downtime for recovery

Who is a candidate for DYSPORT?

Dysport is a good choice if you want a nonsurgical option to improve mild, moderate, or severe vertical frown (glabellar) lines that appear between the eyebrows. Because dynamic wrinkles and lines are caused by chronic use, they may develop in younger patients. These lines may make you appear mad, sad, or tired. Dysport is a fast, effective treatment that smoothes dynamic wrinkles without giving you a "frozen" face. Since Dysport expands to treat a cluster of wrinkles, it also works well for Crow's feet, which are the fine lines near the corners of the eyes. In about 1 – 3 days following the procedure, most patients see significant improvements in their appearance. Your results can last for about four months.

What to expect when getting DYSPORT

Usually, we can complete your Dysport treatments on the same day as your consultation. Taking about 15 – 30 minutes, one of our physicians will administer Dysport injections in a private treatment room. Usually, the procedure does not require a local anesthetic or numbing cream because we use a fine needle. However, if needed, please let us know. Before we start the treatment, we will clean your skin and mark the injection spots. Next, we carefully place five injections across the brow, followed by a cold compress to minimize swelling and bruising. After your treatment at Nirvana Med Spa, you may perform normal tasks, but you should try to avoid strenuous activities for at least a day.

How long is recovery after DYSPORT?

Following a Dysport treatment, you may experience slight swelling and redness around the injection sites, but this should subside after a few days. For the first night, you should sleep upright, and you may need to use a cold compress for the symptoms. Often, patients can see significant improvements within 1 – 3 days. During this time, you will see a decrease in the appearance of fine lines or wrinkles. This will help your complexion appear refreshed and younger-looking. Typically, the injections last around 3 – 4 months. To maintain your results, you can schedule follow-up injections at Nirvana Med Spa in Little Rock, AR.

Dysport FAQs

What's the difference between Dysport and BOTOX?
BOTOX and Dysport are cosmetic injections to improve dynamic wrinkles. Dysport results generally develop faster compared to BOTOX. Also, Dysport has longer-lasting results than BOTOX, and it spreads to a larger coverage area. In your pre-treatment consultation, your injector will help you understand whether Dysport or another wrinkle relaxer is best for you.

Should I get Dysport or a wrinkle filler?
Many people don't know the different uses for wrinkle relaxers and dermal fillers. Simply put, a wrinkle relaxer addresses dynamic wrinkles, whereas a filler treats static wrinkles. Dynamic wrinkles are caused by repetitive motions, for example, smiling, laughing, frowning, and all of your other facial expressions. Dysport relaxes the muscle under the skin for a smoother appearance. Static lines are the result of low skin elasticity, so a wrinkle filler plumps the skin to make it look smoother. In your consult, your injector will ask about your goals to help you determine if Dysport, a dermal filler, or both will deliver your desired results.

How often should I get Dysport injections?
Your Dysport results can be visible for 3 – 4 months. During your consultation, your injector will suggest how often you should get injections at our office in Little Rock, AR to sustain your results. You might want to get treatments more often or further apart once you know how Dysport works on your wrinkles.

Can Dysport be combined with other treatments?
At Nirvana Med Spa, we offer many aesthetic procedures that can pair well with your Dysport results. Depending on your concerns and desires, your custom plan may involve Dysport treatments for dynamic wrinkles, a filler for deep creases or sunken areas, such as your lips or mid-face, as well as a laser resurfacing procedure. Be sure to tell us your goals during your consult to help us create a plan for outcomes you're thrilled with.

Are Dysport injections painful?
Even if you don't use a local anesthetic, the discomfort associated with Dysport is generally minimal and very brief. It's often compared to a bug bite or a quick pinch. The injections are administered directly into the muscle, using a very fine needle.

Will my face look overdone or unnatural?
Dysport, when administered correctly, should help smooth the appearance of wrinkles while still allowing for natural facial expressions. The aim is not to create a “frozen” or “overdone” look. This is why it’s important to choose an experienced provider like Nirvana Med Spa.


Relax and Refresh

If you are looking for a nonsurgical option to refresh your appearance by smoothing the frown lines between your brows, Dysport injectable wrinkle relaxer is a great choice. During your consultation with one of our expert team members, we will discuss your cosmetic concerns and determine if Dysport injections work best for you. If so, we will create a custom plan that meets your goals. We invite you to call Nirvana Med Spa in Little Rock, AR to learn more and schedule an appointment.

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*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.