Should I Try Nonsurgical Skin Tightening After Weight Loss?
The benefits of weight loss include improving general health and well-being and giving you a boost of confidence. But weight loss can also leave behind unwanted results, such as saggy, loose skin. For many who have managed to lose weight and keep it off, nonsurgical skin tightening could be the ideal option to firm up their loose skin. Board-certified physician Dr. Abeer Hashmi and the team at Nirvana Med Spa in Little Rock, AR can help you understand the benefits of nonsurgical skin tightening and whether it’s the right option for you after you’ve dropped the pounds.
What is nonsurgical skin tightening?
Nonsurgical skin tightening generally works by heating deep layers of the skin with lasers and other targeted energy technology. This focused energy stimulates the production of elastin and collagen, giving skin a firmer and healthier appearance. At Nirvana Med Spa in Little Rock, AR, Dr. Hashmi uses Alma Harmony XL PRO laser technology for patients who are unhappy with the appearance of their skin because of wrinkles and lines, sagging, or other issues. This laser treatment can be performed on most areas of the body, including the face, abs, chin, thighs, and upper arms – areas that often experience loose skin after weight loss.
Why is skin loose after weight loss?
When people gain weight, their skin stretches to accommodate their expanded size. While some weight gain is temporary or not excessive, when skin is stretched dramatically or for an extended period of time, the collagen and elastin in the skin are damaged. The loss of these nutrients keeps the skin from being able to retract after weight loss. The more extra weight a person has carried, the more likely their skin will be loose and unable to retract after they lose weight. Speed of weight loss also plays a role, even in people who aren’t carrying high amounts of extra weight. In general, weight loss of more than two pounds per week can lead to loose skin even if you’re not overweight.
Should I try nonsurgical skin tightening after weight loss?
Nonsurgical skin tightening with the Harmony XL PRO laser can deliver noticeable results that last for as long as two years. After just a single treatment, most of our patients notice an improvement in the texture of their skin within a day, and gradual improvement will continue for a couple of months as the skin begins to produce new collagen and elastin. Nonsurgical skin tightening could be right for people who have recently lost weight, and the most ideal patients are:
In good general health
Have reached or are close to a healthy weight
Have mild to medium skin laxity
Have experienced small to medium weight loss; men and women who have lost 50 pounds or more are probably not ideal candidates for nonsurgical skin tightening.
Additionally, patients should be prepared for mild pain and may need to schedule a few sessions. In many cases, our team will recommend multiple treatments, but this depends on the skin’s appearance and how much loose skin there is. This noninvasive treatment requires little downtime, which makes it ideal for working people.
Schedule a skin-tightening consultation today
Reaching and maintaining a healthy weight is an achievement of which you should be proud, but for many people, the unwanted reminders of their bigger bodies hold them back from feeling as confident as they should. If you’ve had weight loss in the 20 – 30 pound range and have sagging, loose skin, nonsurgical weight loss treatment with the Harmony XL PRO laser could be right for you. When you request a consultation, Dr. Abeer Hashmi and the team at Nirvana Med Spa in Little Rock, AR can create a customized treatment plan for you designed to improve your skin and boost your self-esteem.